What are Best Resources to Learn Java for Beginners?

Java is awesome language and if you are a developer than you must familiar with it. Java is object oriented programming language and currently used by all over world in billions of applications. If you are beginner in Java and searching for resources to learn java than this post will help you. Here I am going to list few really nice resource from where you can learn Java.

Best Online Resources to Learn Java
Let us discuss this in two categories

1. Online Resources to learn Java easily
2. Offline Resources to learn Java

Online Resources to learn Java

Image Source : http://scootdoodle.com/blog/2012/05/

You have internet at your home than you can get all your study material from it. The best resource is Google itself. You Google for anything and you will get your answer in their search results. I will personally not recommend Google for beginners as they can confuse over thousands of results and sometimes results also can misguide to wrong resource. Some of best online resource can be

Online Forums and tutorial sites

These can be blogs, websites, forums or social networking sites. You can read some good blogs which are regularly providing the Java tutorials and updates. You can also follow some website and be active on some forum. You can search for groups or communities in social networking sites related to Java Programming language. People used to post on regular basis in these social networking groups.

List of online reading resource links for Java

1. Oracle.com
2. Eclipse Tutorials
3. Java Forums
4. Codeproject
5. stackoverflow
6. NetBeans Tutorials
7. sourceforge
8. Java.net

Online video tutorials for Java

If you think you need a tutor for better explanation than you can watch online training session on Java and learn Java by yourself.
Some good Online Java training sources
1. YouTube
This is one of Google product which have almost every kind of video in its database. You may already aware of this video sharing site now use this to increase your knowledge.
2.stanford class
you will need userid and password to access this site. If you have than its ok else you will easily get videos from this site on youTube.
3. Academic Earth
This site provide very basic learning videos of Java programming. If you just started Java you can refer these videos.
4. Lynda.com
5. Java Videos by koushik

Offline Resources to learn Java programming

EBooks or Books

1. Java: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schidlt
This is the best book to start with.

2. Head First Java, 2nd Edition: Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates


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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this such a great resources for learn java


  2. -> I got a job by saying this answer in my last interview. thanks for awesome help.
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